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Your Hormone Balance Depends on Your Lifestyle

I was lucky to be able to attend an interesting 3-day work-shop with one of the best hormone experts in Sweden, Therese Renåker. I learned so much, enough for a 1,5 ours Health Talk (coming in 2020).
Hormones are so important for our well-being and we really have to look over our lifestyle to create a good balance.

Today’s biggest problem for many women, young and old seems to be the lacking of progesterone.

Estrogen and Progesterone should balance each other but problems like severe bleedings, PMS, Migraine, gaining weight, PCOS, Myoma, endometriosis, and lack of ovulation are all symptoms of imbalance.

Why ? Because of

  • long time intake of chemical contraceptives

  • stress in life

  • high blood sugar levels – diet high in carbohydrates

  • xeno-estrogens from food, environment, body lotions and ……….

  • painkillers disturb the whole hormone system

  • use of hormone treatments combined with Progestin or Progestogen, Gestagen, which is a fake synthetic hormone.

Gestagen the chemical “progesterone” provided by the Pharma and school medicine is not the same as bioidentical progesterone.

The Pill and other hormone treatments that contain Gestagen (Progestin, Progestogen)

  • affects your liver

  • raise your coagulations factor – blood clots

  • impacts your glucose metabolism – weight gain

  • can affect your blood pressure

  • can cause depressions

  • may increase body hair

We, women all ages, must manage our stress, cut sugar and carbs, watch out for environmental estrogens, exercise, manage our stress and stop using painkillers – a good lifestyle is the way to go

If you are young, ovulates and get your period every month be grateful and happy because you are healthy – it’s the best sign! If not, you have to work on your lifestyle!

For us, menopause women – lifestyle is everything – it is ok to be a little low on Estrogen but check your hormone levels if it feels like something is wrong.

Hormon tests will be available at Lotta´s Health Academy in 2020, more information later on my home page or mail me at hello@lottashealthacademy.com

Health Talks & coaching with focus on women´s hormones will also be available in 2020!